A Drowning - Bonus Track Lyrics

How To Destroy Angels

How To Destroy Angels - A Drowning - Bonus Track Lyrics


It's the glare from reflection
Making patterns in your eyes
It's the looking back in anger
With every second slipping by
Undertow has come to take me
Got it by the blazing sun
Look at everything around us
And look at everything we've done

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself
I'm drowning here

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself
I'm drowning here

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself
I'm drowning here

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself

There's a tiny little window
Swarms of locust fill the sky
Maybe I just disappear
If i can keep my head above the tide

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself
I'm drowning here

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself
I'm drowning here

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself
I'm drowning here

Please, anyone
I don't think i can't save myself


Song & Lyrics Facts

"How to Destroy Angels" is a bonus track from the album An Omen EP by How to Destroy Angels, released in 2012. The band consists of Trent Reznor (vocals/guitar), Mariqueen Maandig (vocals), Atticus Ross (keyboards/programming) and Rob Sheridan (visuals).

It's an alternative rock song with darkwave and industrial elements written by Trent Reznor and Mariqueen Maandig. The lyrics tell the story of someone who has lost hope and decides to end their life by drowning themselves. The song speaks about the pain and despair that can lead people to take such drastic measures. Interesting facts include that this was the first single released after the group changed its name from "How to Destroy Angels_" to simply "How to Destroy Angels".

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