Have A Cigar - Alternative Version Lyrics

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar - Alternative Version Lyrics


Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar
You're gonna go far
You're gonna fly high
You're never gonna die
You're gonna make it, if you try
They're gonna love you

Well, I've always had a deep respect
And I mean that most sincerely
The band is just fantastic
That is really what I think
Oh, by the way, which one's Pink?

And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it 'Riding the Gravy Train'

We're just knocked out
We heard about the sell-out
You owe it to the people
We're so happy we can hardly count

Everybody else is just green
Have you seen the chart?
It's a hell of a start
It could be made into a monster
If we all pull together as a team

And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it 'Riding the Gravy Train'

Song & Lyrics Facts

Pink Floyd's "Have A Cigar" is an alternative version of the original song from their 1975 album, Wish You Were Here. The lyrics were written by Roger Waters and David Gilmour and sung by Roy Harper.

The track was released on September 12th, 1975 as a single off the album. It features some interesting instrumentation including acoustic guitars, bass, drums and synthesizers. The song contains a message about the music industry and its tendency to exploit artists. It also serves as a commentary on how people are often judged solely on their success or lack thereof. The lyrics serve as a warning that even if one has achieved great success they should not forget where they came from.

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