So Far Around The Bend Lyrics

The National

The National - So Far Around The Bend Lyrics


I know you're a serious lady
Living off a teacup full of cherries
Nobody knows where you are living
Nobody knows where you are

Take a bath and get high through an apple
Wanted to cry but you can't when you're laughing
Nobody knows where you are living
Nobody knows where you are

You're so far around the bend
You're so far around the bend

I'll run through a thousand parties
I'll run through a million bars
Nobody knows where you are living
Nobody knows where you are

You've been humming and I think it's forever
Praying for pavement to get back together
Nobody knows where you are living
Nobody knows where you are

You're so far around the bend
You're so far around the bend

There is no leaving New York
There is no leaving New York

Song & Lyrics Facts

The National is an American indie rock band from Cincinnati, Ohio. Their song "So Far Around the Bend" was released on May 5th, 2010 as part of their seventh studio album High Violet.

The song was written by Matt Berninger and Aaron Dessner and produced by Peter Katis. The lyrics are a reflection on life's journeys, with the narrator singing about his own experiences and how they have shaped him so far. The track has been praised for its melancholic yet uplifting sound, combining elements of folk music with electronic production. It has become one of the most popular tracks off the album and remains a fan favorite to this day.

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