Dumb Things (Live) Lyrics

Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly - Dumb Things (Live) Lyrics


Welcome, strangers, to the show
I'm the one who should be lying low
Saw the knives out, turned my back
In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream
I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings
I've done all the dumb things

Caught the fever, heard the tune
Thought I loved her, hung my heart on the moon
Started howling, made no sense
Thought my friends would rush to my defence
In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream
I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings
I've done all the dumb things

And I get all your good advice
It doesn't stop me from going through these things twice
I see the knives out, I turn my back
In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream
I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings
I've done all the dumb things
I melted wax to fix my wings
I've done all the dumb things
I threw my hat into the ring
I've done all the dumb things
I thought that I just had to sing
I've done all the dumb things

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